Mini graham cracker "gingerbread" houses. An annual event with friends at our house.

The girls at our village's Holiday celebration. They hated posing for this! Just a few years ago, you couldn't keep them away from these!

A trip to the Art Institute of Chicago with my sister & friend to see the Victorian "Playing with Paper" exhibit. A very cold but extremely enjoyable day!

In front of the Art Inst, the lions are dressed for the holidays & very politically correct! No red, green, or blue to signify any ethnic celebration. Very Sad! They used to have big green wreaths with red ribbons on them every Christmas.

Another trip downtown with 2 friends to the
Kriskindle Market at Daley Plaza. We took an early train & had time to pass
thru Macy's (
formerly Marshall Fields as it will be forever remembered). This is the tree in the Walnut Room where I have only lunched once in my life. People wait for tables to be sat next to the tree. Its decorated different every year & always beautiful. We viewed it from one floor up.

Without our kids with us, we got to roam the 1st floor aisles at Macy's and look at jewelry, purses & other accessories without anyone asking, "Can we go now?" It was very pleasurable and very beautifully decorated.

Here's Chicago's tree at Daley Plaza. To save $, this is the first year that the tree is just one large one, rather than many smaller ones pieced together to be a huge full tree. I think it looks fine because it actually looks real, like it should!
On to 2010!
Wishes for Health, Happiness & Craftiness to the Max!
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