Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Quick Trip Together


One of the few requests of Karli for the summer was to go blueberry picking in Michigan, which we did 2 summers ago with the Bachs  before Andy went off to U of Missouri. Well, the summer flew by & I didn’t think it would happen. When I mentioned Karli’s wish to Terry & how it would’ve been nice if we had more time, right away she asked, “Want to go Sunday for the day?” She said Ryan needed to see Oma before he left for Boston U.

Sometimes it’s the last minute plans that come together the best!

Amazingly, both of our families of 4 all were available & Jeff was in town. What a GREAT day! Jeff & Andy perch fished in Chicago early in the morning & met us up there. Blueberry picked in the afternoon at Stephenson Farms in South Haven, a walk thru town before dinner, a delicious roasted chicken dinner by Roman & Oma, & then we finished the evening with ice cream at Sherman’s not because we were hungry, just because you have to! Andy & Jeff headed back to Chicago & the rest of us stayed overnight.

Thank you, sis, for taking us! Thank you Oma & Roman for having us!DSC03189DSC03192DSC03196DSC03198DSC03201DSC03203DSC03209DSC03222DSCN6353DSCN6356


Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Round Robin with the Chicago Modern Quilt Guild


Objective for 1st Round: Add rectangles to assigned member’s applique block & bring back to next months meeting to swap for another’s block & add next border for the next month.

I got my friend Donna’s, all patterned fabric block. Very beautiful, but I don’t have much of a stash, let alone metallicish print, worthy enough to adorn her block. If I look at something often & long enough, I eventually come up with an idea, but usually the night before its due!

Well, our next meeting isn’t for 2 weeks & I’m actually done! And I really like it. Simple but effective, keeping with the angle of the circles going yet also keeps the eye moving with the red accent.DSCN6344-1

Since I’m still reading Memoirs of a Geisha from my book club (Books & Bordeaux), I think the Asian frame of mind helped me on this one.

I love it! Too bad its not mine to keep. Each of our blocks will be passed around until November when we get to see our original block with the additions of 4 more peoples creative additions. I can’t wait!