Monday, November 2, 2009

What Happened To August September & October?!

The coolest summer ever & now we're into fall! Halloween & the day before were very busy but fun! Both girls had plans with their friends, M volunteered to bring cupcakes to a party, K had friends coming over after Trick or Treating. These were the masterpieces! Thanks to Betty Crocker & Martha Stewart! Between the school party & Halloween Day it seemed like one continuous day. We helped to decorate & also undecorate.

This sidetracked me away from 2 other projects going on. The drive to finish my 22 year old quilt & finish a smaller one for project "Hope Squared", also at Christmas present quilts for children in shelters in the Grand Rapids, MI public schools. I heard about it from the Craftsanity podcast I listen to & it has a deadline of November 15. Nothing like a deadline to light a fire under me! I surprised myself by putting the top together in less than a week. Made with printed fabric from a shirt of mine & my husbands that was in the give away pile but thought the print was too good to get rid of and black fabric thats been sitting around WAY too long! The project is for quilts made with any kind of squares. The size of my squares (rectangles) were determined by the pieces I got out of the mens short sleeve shirt and I took it from there. Since most people make girly quilts, they asked to keep in mind the recipient when making yours, I'm thinking mine would be appropiate for a teen boy. They even said if all you could afford to make was a quilt top, that was fine, they would finish it up. I'm determined to finish it. I bought batting w/ a JoAnn's 40%off coupon & have some other fabric for the back. So total cost of the project is $6 + tax & shipping to MI. Here it is so far.